Here's the story of a lovely Stacy who was working with some very lovely actors. All of them had talent like their teacher...both the boys & girls. We're gonna keep on keep on keep on keeping it real about this amazing person....

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Name: Stacy Edwards

Class: Applying Technique To Scene Work

Favorite Class Memory: Working with my actors. I admire and am inspired by their willingness to take risks and grow. It's a pleasure to work with each actor. Most recently, the actors were asked to bring in a fond memory to  share with the class. Laughter & tears ensued. It was simply amazing.

Favorite Christmas Traditions: Fudge, decorating the house with my son, fudge, making eggnog, gathering with friends, and did I mention fudge?

Learn more about Stacy on IMDB & Facebook,  and watch her in action below!

